COVID-19 Protocols

  • Before practice and gameplay, parents are expected to take their child’s temperature and monitor for any of the symptoms related to COVID-19 as outlined by the CDC.
  • Should your child exhibit any of the symptoms as outlined by the CDC they are to be withheld from participation.
  • Please note: if your family decides to travel or if you have been in close contact with anyone who has had COVID-19, the club asks that you please follow these guidelines
  • Jr. Pioneers Lacrosse will be utilizing TeamSnap’s health screening tool to check in players before each practice and game.
    • Parents will be responsible for answering several health screening questions via the app. Completion of the health screening before each event is mandatory.
    • More on TeamSnap's Health Check can be found here
  • Upon completion of the TeamSnap health screening, players are to report to their respective coaches and field. Masks are mandatory and must be worn from the vehicle to the field, and back.
    • Masks are not required when children are on the field engaged in instruction or gameplay.
  • Parents are not required to stay for practices; however, you can do so at your discretion and are encouraged to wear masks, and adhere to accordingly social distancing guidelines. Masks and social distancing will also be required for those who will be spectators at games, whether home or away.
    • Note: parents are not permitted to stay for indoor sessions.  Specific guidelines for drop-off and pick-up will be shared with all participants as soon as they’re available.
  • Absolutely no sharing of equipment or water will be allowed – each player is to provide their own water and equipment.